Our Work

Transition Africa organizes training programs and capacity-building workshops to equip young people with idle and out-of-the-classroom leadership lessons that will facilitate desired changes both at the grassroots and in higher levels of jurisdiction. These programs undergo a series of Research, Content Development, and Production. Our team of experts also ensure the necessary traffic using social media and other sources of communications to reach over one billion audiences across the world, prior to these projects.

Evolution ladder is a social engagement platform that focuses on using leadership as a tool for sustaining development. This program aims to equip the black youth with leadership development skills and expose them to cutting-edge solutions, insight, and knowledge for their personal development.
This is a series of bi-annual debate that runs through-out the year on specific topics under the spectrum of leadership. It seeks to provide a platform for objective analysis of key issues that confront the black youth and prescribe sustainable interventions to address them.
Hope for Excellence Awards is a yearly awards scheme that recognizes the excellence of the black youth demonstrated in their distinguished leadership and governance practices, innovation, and ingenuity.
A TV Program that seeks to find effective black youth leaders for coveted ambassadorial roles to lead projects to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Leadership Factor
The Leadership Factor is an international leadership conference that brings seasoned speakers who have not only made it in their various fields but have also impacted immeasurably in their line of duties. The conference leads a conversation and dialogue on the demand and necessity for real leadership in every sphere of ones live. Through this, Transition Africa seeks to inspire a new era of change among black youth that is accelerated by “Leadership in Action”.

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